Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Birflu (Influenza) Vaccination

Oits! I went for Birdflu vaccination today for my Korea trip! And cool thing about it i got my own immunisation book! heeheh..apakan, nada kraja wa, iatah nada kn dpost. Hmm, pastu i went to Apple shop coz my charger k.o. dah wire nya...then me n mum went to Mamih for lunch, meeting my lil' bro sana. Cewah, nada lg payah ambil him from school, jmpa ja tarus. Hrp maklum, org belesen udah...kehkeh. Nothing much is happening.

American Idol Final! 

[The 2 Davids Finalists]

[I'm soo in LOVE you David Cook!!!]

To be honest, i was a bit disappointed that David Cook performances  lack that oomph or X Factor in comparison to the other David. I actually predict that David Archuletta will win this idol regardless if im a strong supporter of David Cook. Its mostly because young david is young and adorable, most teen girls and mommies are just smitten by that cuteness-basically large target group. On the other hand, Cook is gorgeous in his own way, unique in his way, sexy in his own way, which could melts almost any girls, including me :p. Anyway, we'll see how the results would turned out. One thing for sure, Simon hopes Cook to win (according to E!). Exciting eyh!

[the guy who made me say "aaahhh"]

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