Aduhai lamanya~
Day dreaming
1, 2, 3 and Dimple!!!
Saw edah in pink baju kurong and black tudong (so freaky - and I'm wearing pink too!) Nina who was walking beside me didn't recognise her..lol! Like baby Z said and I quote, "You got to be kidding me!" LOL. Waa...I think the last time I met her was before I went to Korea. Anyway, I was excited to see her and everyone else. Turned out Sarah's away in Aust while Jon's still in KL so their mummies came to represent them.
11 of us were there:
The Sotons - Nadiah, Nina, Izzati and Dila,
The George's - Chun, Hsien, Sarah's and Jon's mummies
The Glagowians - Me, Syuk and 8ah
The 3 Soton's beautiful docs-to-be
The 3 Dudes reunion + Dila
Sarah's (L) and Jon's (R) mummies
"The Advisors"
Edah dearest
posing candid eksen2
The briefing was about 2 hours. The officers were really nice and helpful (and funny too!). Enthusiastic about us being the 1st cohort of medical students being trained in IM UBD to be given this scholarships, they felt that the contract-signing should be publicise to the public. If we do succeed (amin!), it will further proves that UBD is as highly and equally standardised and recognised as the Uni overseas. The fact that we passed and graduated from UBD already says it all. So, do NOT underestimate our local uni! PEACE :D
So there are just few things left to be settled:
1) Visa application
2) Renew my passport
3) Get my Gynae report
4) Open HSBC Account (which I did today)
Kak FarRRRrrr...I was in Singapore, not yet KL. HAha. Cheers =)
owh ya! how come i put down KL ah? LOL! eyh..cancel ur KL trip la, i miss u bah. Go down bndar and let us all hangout and chillaxing and cruising arnd bndar.kekekeke.
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