Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Its Cold!!!!


I had a very super duper long day today. I haven't told u guys, im in my "real" induction week already - meaning this time its like orientation for 3rd year, and the difference is that we are with the rest of the 250+ 3rd yr students. I'm excited, ecstatic and looking forward to this one because at least now, it's for real. Plus, dapat cuci mata liat2 other medical students :P 
P/S: Ada udah few handsome ones ku

So anyway, its 2nd day of the integration week. Okay, so here are my schedule for today:-

  • 9:30-10:30 - Lecture 1: Acute Inflammation
  • 11:00-12:00 - Lecture 2: Chronic Inflammation
  • 3:00-4:00 - Lecture 3: GP in rural settings
  • 6:00-7:30 - Elective night
And, so you know, tonight, was the coldest day ever for me. They said that it's already snowing in London and other part of England!!! Jealous ku eyh..Guess what, later in the evening i discover that tonight's temp is 0 degree celcius! 

Keep warm~

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