Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bye Bye Easter~

It's 8:17 am and I am up and ready to go to 30 minutes.  My easter break was officially over yesterday, fortunately we only had afternoon Plenary sessions, so at least I can still get the pleasure to wake up late :) Was still in holiday mood, couldn't find my strength and source of motivation to get started especially when everyone around you is still having their holiday - well supposedly, its revision week.

I figured you will see a lot of me this time around because when i procrastinate, i blog. LOL. I think almost everyone has started their revision because apparently my msn is pretty boring at the moment and my bodyclock seems to be corrupted especially since the daylight is getting longer. You see, I'm a night person, and seeing some daylight when it's already 8pm has caused me to "think" it is still early, and when it's dark, by then it's already quite late, like 10/11pm - and at these times, I am still up alert active motivated energetic, so how would you expect me to be alert and motivated to start the next day when I am up all night with that level of energy? 

Told you, when I procrastinate, I blog. Even if it means to blog about nonsense.

Later then...

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