Grandma is out of the MRSA Quarantine room. Alhamdullillah. She's MRSA-free now. She looked better than before, more responsive as well.
Owh! and there's a funny story about nini. According to aunty Tpah, nini was gesturing to tell her about something. It goes something like this ...
N: Gesturing money sign with her fingers and then tried to say out a name "Zaim"
A: "Duit? Zaim?"
N: Nodding...and pointed 2 fingers
A: "Bagi $20?
N: Nodding. Then she tried to say out "Ebing"
A: More confused this time, but manage to get it right. "Bagi Ebing $20?"
N: Nodding..pointing 4 fingers saying that altogether its $40.
A: "Awu bu"
N: Gesturing by twisting her blanket as if she was memarah kain.
A: "aah?" Looking more confused than ever, continued guessing, "memarah kain? parah kain?"
N: Geleng2 and then she pointed to the doctor/s at the counter
A: "aah? doktor bu? napa doktor bu?"
N: Twisting her blanket again and pointing to the doc..back and forth.
A: "Parah kain? Doktor?"
Nini looking more pissed and frustrated that auntie didn't get it...but after sometime..
A: "Ah! Farah? Farah doktor?"
N: Nodding vigorously, happy that she got it right, and then she pointed another 2 fingers to tell her to give me $20 as well.
Hahahaha. Auntie was telling me all this (and with her dramatic action2 nya sekali) when we were at the canteen and i couldn't stop laughing! Hahaha. Amazing. Creatively intelligent. LOL. Aduhai..Now we all learnt that u can always gesture those movements if u wanna refer to me. LOL. It makes me smile.
Love u nini! <3
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