Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Relaxing Part...Post - Exam

Hey all...

My exam is finally over!!!! Time does flies. OSCE exam was fun, a bit challenging but nothing that I haven't done before, so hopefully mudahan ja pass, aminn~

My last exam was last Friday - the OSCE part II. Unfortunately that time my exam circuit was at 1:20pm, Edah and Syuk's exams were in the morning - lucky farts :P Who cares now, exam is already done and over with. So right after exam, I went to this bbq party organised by the bruscot peeps. Had fun, food was great although I wish I get to change my exam "clinic" clothes to something more comfortable. So there I was, with E, wearing our smart clothes..so not ideal. LOL. We had to rush back home after to help Edah and Syuk pack - they're leaving the next day back to Brunei - so imagine how rushing tat is.

Saturday, me, nizam and al went to send Edah and Syuk to the airport. I feel a bit sad, knowing I will be all alone in the flat. Usually if dorang nada dirumah pun, I know they're still here with me, but I have to admit, I miss them eventhough lately jarang hangout sama dorang.

So here I am, spending my weekend alone. Went shopping yesterday to stock up my kitchen and bought some new stuffs to wear. Today, I thought I just spend time at home, rehat before I start my SSM tomorrow. Yes, I'll be starting my module right away, no time to waste ey.. Somehow, I guess I've gotten use to having the flat alone now, did a lot of stuffs to fill my pathetic 2-days holidays...

1) Cleaning the flat and my room
2) Organising my notes (which were all over the place masa exam)
3) Baking my infamous pasta
4) Making oreo truffles (which are now in the fridge - still waiting for the end-product)
5) Watching movies online
6) Talking to mum on the phones (she's been calling me more frequently these days, ingau lah tu)
7) Watching movie at the cinema (more of this in the future)

Can't remember what else I did..will post more stuffs..cya~

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